They work well under pressure and make great switchboard operators, technical support workers and customer service representatives. Geminis also make great teachers and writers. 压力越大,双子座人工作的效率越高。他们能做好像配电员、技术支持人员、客服这样的工作,也适合当老师和作家。
They may be annoyingly rule-bound, but they set high standards, communicate well and make great operators, mentors and team members. 他们也许较真得令人生厌,但他们也会设定高标准,他们善于沟通,是出色的经营者、导师和团队成员。
The three great skills such operators need are spotting gifted entertainers early; keeping their famous clients satisfied; and negotiating ferociously on their behalf. 经纪人需要具备三大技能:及早察觉有天赋的艺人,让明星客户保持满意,并在谈判中不择手段得为他们攫取最大利益。
Shenzhen has made great efforts to build the digital era game operators: the left mouse button control, the plan appropriately integrated graphics. 深圳纪元数码全力打造游戏操作:用鼠标左键控制,把图拼成完整的图形。
"Linde Cup" creates a great opportunity for the forklift truck operators in the logistic industry to perform their driving skills and share experience with their counterparts. 此次“林德杯”全国物流-叉车巡回赛,为公司员工展示叉车技能提供了有利的机会及良好的平台,也为全国的物流行业和操作人员提供了难得的交流机会。
As an important aspect of the application of Internet of things, the home application of the Internet of things would be a great opportunity for telecom operators. 家庭是物联网应用的一个重要方面,家庭物联网应用将为运营商带来业务发展的重要机遇。
They are great sales distributors, not factory operators. 他们是优秀的经销商,而不是生产制造商。
But the technological characteristic of TV has offered great convenience for the infiltration of operators subjective factors. 然而电视的技术特性却为操作者主观性因素的渗透提供了极大的方便。
With the establishment of the state-owned enterprises 'modern corporate system, great achievements have been made in the reform of the operators' pay system. 随着国有企业现代企业制度建设步伐的加快,经营者报酬制度的改革和建设也取得了较大成效。
It is of great importance and of special meaning of stimulus and regulating mechanism of operators for state-owned enterprises from analysis of trustee-beneficiary system and the phenomena of 'vacancy of owner'. 从委托代理制和所有者缺位现象进行分析,国有企业经营者激励与约束不仅重要,而且具有特殊意义。
Bernstein approximation is one kind of classics and abundant research subjects in the theory of approximations, which mainly makes use of good properties and graceful structures of Bernstein polynomials to discuss a great deal of relations between Bernstein operators and the functions approached by it. Bernstein逼近是逼近论中一类经典而丰富的研究课题,它主要是利用Bernstein多项式的良好性质和优美结构来讨论其与所逼近函数之间的诸多关系。
With the gradual deployment of IPv6-based next generation Internet in China, how to setup the carrier-grade IPv6 core network has been a great concern for network operators. 随着基于IPv6协议的下一代互联网(NGI)在中国逐渐开始部署,如何组建电信级IPv6核心网成为运营商关注的重要问题。
The noise from the high power fan for an air conditioning system is the main source of the noise of a subway station, which has a great influence on the station operators, passengers and residents around. 空调系统中大功率风机产生的噪声是地铁站主要的噪声污染源。
Deeply understanding and analyzing the operations mechanism of House Tenancy Center has a great point to the nation, consumers and operators. 充分认识和剖析房屋置业中心的运营机制,不仅对国家、消费者,还是房屋置业中心的经营者,都具有重要的意义。
Endorsements are very important for expanding commodity publicity and promoting sales of goods, which is of great significance for commodity operators and the development of commodity economy in our country. 广告代言对于扩大商品知名度、促进商品销售等方面具有重要意义,使商品经营者、消费者、代言人获得了各自不同的利益,也促进了我国商品经济的发展。
With more and more users surfing the internet by cell phone, bringing great increasing data, it is more important for network operators to do network optimization. 随着用户使用手机上网的数量以及因此带来的数据量越来越多,无线网络的优化成为现在网络运营商的一个重要工作。
Relative to traditional scattered type organization structure of ICT project the research and design of theory system and information system, have great reference value and application prospect in the three domestic operators, China Mobile, China Telecom, and China Unicom. 具体实践表明,相对于以往的ICT项目管理方式,该课题研究和设计的理论体系、信息系统,在国内移动、电信、联通三家运营商的应用具有重要的参考价值和应用前景。
Anti-monopoly Law has a great significance on the protection of other operators, the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, the safeguard of fair competition in the market order and the protection of stable development of the national economy. 反垄断法有利于保护经营者、消费者的合法权益,有利于维护公平的市场竞争秩序和保障国民经济稳定发展,但这一重要作用的发挥要靠反垄断法法律责任制度的完善。
This paper is of great significance for operators, their own advantages and disadvantages clearly, the key point of the operation focused on 3G era, and continue to enhance the core competitiveness. 本文将对运营商明确自身优劣势、聚焦3G时代的运营重点、持续提升核心竞争力具有重大意义。
Base station equipment theft and management of them lead a great operators resources and human resources lost. 基站设备盗窃以及管理的复杂导致电信运营商物力和人力资源发生极大的流失。
The controlling shareholders actively participating in corporate governance at shareholder protection laws is a subprime choice, or a substitute for the lack of legal protection for shareholder, it has great advantage in supervision and operators in low cost, high efficiency in decision-making. 控制股东积极参与公司治理是在股东保护法律机制不健全下的一个次优选择,或者是对法律保护股东不足的一个替代,具有低成本监督经营者、高效率行使决策权等优势。
Recently China has made great progress in reforming its telecommunications system, the original six operators having been merged into three operators with a full-service qualification and 3G licenses of each-China Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom. 近期中国电信体制改革取得了较大进展,原来的六家运营商合并成立了具有全业务运营资质和3G牌照的三家运营商&中国移动、中国电信、中国联通。
What is the reason for great success in App Store? And for the Chinese telecom operators, how to seize this opportunity to develop their own? APPStore取得巨大成功的原因是什么,中国电信运营商们怎样抓住这个基于发展自身?这些问题值得探讨。
The issue of how to control these losses means great to the m-commerce operators. 如何控制这种流失,对于移动商务运营商而言至关重要。
The emergence and development not only brings great economic interests to the operators directly, but more importantly, it has greatly promoted the change and transformation of the social structure. 它的兴起和发展不但给有关经营者带来了巨大的、直接的经济利益,更重要的是,它还极大地促进了社会结构的变迁与转型。
It is a great help for System operators and integrators to detect faults and solute problems, and avoids the problem of the discovering faults after receiving a complaint and cost is saved for operators. 系统对运营商和集成商及时发现故障和排除故障,提供了很大的帮助,避免了接到用户投诉后才发现故障的情况,并为运营商节省了成本。
Wireless communication devices are widely used in military and civilian communications systems, whose performances gain great concern of test equipment manufacturers, network operators and communications testing agency. 无线通信设备广泛应用于军用与民用通信系统,其性能指标测试为设备生产商、网络运营商以及通信测试机构所共同关注。
Since App Store has become a great success, massive device manufacturers, internet companies and Operators join the business in succession, leading the business to be the hottest nowadays. 自苹果公司的应用商店APPStore取得巨大成功后,众多设备制造商、互联网公司、运营商纷纷加入,应用商店成为近一年以来比较热门的商业行为。
How can the fierce competition in the market place is of great concern to various communication operators. 如何能在激烈的市场竞争中获得一席之地,是各个通信运营商们十分关心的问题。
Engineering machinery cab noise has a great influence on the physical and mental health of the operators, and also reduces work efficiency. So the cab noise control becomes an important aspect of engineering machinery noise control domains. 工程机械驾驶室噪声对驾驶室员的身心健康及工作效率有很大影响,驾驶室噪声控制成为工程机械噪声控制领域的一个重要方面。